How To Maintain Your 2021 Resolutions


    Wildfires, killer bees, a global pandemic and much, much more. While 2020 may have been a tough year, it certainly taught us a lot about ourselves and gave us a lot of time to think about how we can reset in 2021. With the start of the new year, many people set lofty goals in hopes of becoming a better version of themselves within the next year. At the beginning, our intentions are good, but resolutions tend to lack structure and organization that makes it easy to give up when obstacles arise. This is why we put together a simple list of six tips that will allow you to actually maintain these resolutions once and for all in 2021.


  1.  Create Enjoyable Goals

I know this tip is much easier said than done, but still important nonetheless. For example, one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is weight loss. Countless people set a resolution to lose weight in the new year and if you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know that it just isn’t fun. It typically involves being in a caloric deficit, pushing yourself harder in the gym, and setting healthy habits that support losing weight. But especially after a long holiday season of treats, drinks, and a slack approach to fitness, those lifestyle changes are often painful to make. Goals aren’t always meant to be fun (unless your goal is to travel to an exotic location, then okay, we can get behind that), but the results of those goals should be things that excite you. Weight loss isn’t fun, but the process of losing weight, getting in better shape, feeling healthier, etc. is very fun! If you’re setting a big goal that is going to push you, make sure to create smaller, rewarding goals as a part of the process of achieving the larger goal. 

2.   Make Your Resolutions S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Specific: This is a non-vague goal that you have with some description. For example, stray away from “running” and try “running a mile a day”. Creating a specific resolution allows you to focus and hone in on particular parts of your body and mind, all while creating effective planning. 

Measurable: There needs to be a quantitative way of determining your success – and failures – for your resolution. For example, during a run, your phone or watch can track how many miles you ran. Afterwards, you can record these numbers and compare each day, thus tracking your progress.

Attainable: Everyone wants to better themselves by creating resolutions, but they cannot be completely out of reach for you or your body’s capabilities. For example, if you have not been running in a few years, attempting to run 5 miles tomorrow is simply too much to ask. Instead, start off with a half mile run and increase each day as necessary! 

Relevant: This is the most important component of all. Your resolution must pertain to you, your body, and your lifestyle- every single body is different. For example, while someone’s resolution may be to lose 20 pounds, another person is trying to gain that weight. It’s crucial to assess your body’s wants and needs before setting out on an incompatible resolution.

Timely: No positive change comes quickly, we must be patient with ourselves and our bodies and persevere through the difficulties. Although, a resolution should be something that you can work on within the next year. Be sure to include an end-date for your resolution to increase motivation and set appropriate boundaries. 

3.   Keep a Journal

Maintaining an organized list of your resolutions and step-by-step plans on how you will achieve them will not only keep you engaged but allows you to reflect on what’s working and what’s not. As the months go by, you are able to look back at your progress and everything you have worked so hard on. Now this does not have to be anything fancy, a simple composition book will do. Though, if you are totally new to journaling, it can seem a bit odd at first. Practice simple journal routines for 5 minutes each day. For example, write down positive things that you love about yourself or things in your life that you are grateful for. The more you continue to journal, the more natural it will feel and it will become something you look forward to everyday.

4.   Get Others Involved

Going into your resolutions alone can be daunting but having loved ones cheering you on and keeping you accountable from the sidelines can make it much easier. You might be lucky enough to have a friend or family member tackling the same resolutions as you, which can also be a great bonding experience! Having positive social support while tackling ambitious goals alleviates stress and creates a sense of security and can make it so much more fun. 

5.    Keep Yourself Accountable:

Ensure that you have the motivation to maintain your resolutions. Allowing for one cheat day from your diet or one day off from the gym is totally fine, but it can be easy to allow that one day to turn to three. The same goes for indulging in your favorite fast-food meal or treat. In moderation, those things can be very enjoyable but it’s important to always keep your health and wellness goals top of mind. If you are tackling a fitness or health goal in 2021, try using an app like MyFitnessPal , which can help you track your daily intake! That way, you can plan for your indulgences smartly and avoid getting off track. 

6.    Add In Supplements

Simply put- get the most out of your workout. Supplements are designed to support and enhance your exercise regimen. Find an area of your health and fitness where you feel a supplement could add some value and do your research! For example, if you’re looking for something to help you have more energy during your workouts, you should try using pre-workout. Red Leaf Pre-Workout is a lower-caffeine alternative to the standard pre-workout. With only 40mg of caffeine and other ingredients like beta-alanine and BCAA’s for muscle endurance and recovery, you will get a balanced energy boost to crush your workout without any of the jitters. Try both of our delicious natural flavors here: Red Leaf Pre-WorkoutLooking for something to help with your recovery? We’ve got you covered there, too! Check out our Red Leaf Recovery Line  which includes our highly-reviewed natural skin care product, Red Leaf Recovery Balm , and our newest release, Red Leaf Collagen Peptides.  


It’s time to kick-start 2021 and turn our bodies and minds around. Create strong, specific resolutions that will allow you to become the best version of yourself this year. By maintaining a journal, creating a strong social support system behind you and adding in effective supplements, we can actually maintain these ambitious resolutions we set out for ourselves and positively transform.