Do you workout fasted or eat before you train? Some people prefer the feeling of working out on an empty stomach and believe they’re getting a better “burn” when they train fasted. And we aren’t knocking it! There are pros to training fasted. But one negative side effect of skipping your pre workout snack is lower energy at the gym. Exercise depletes your muscles of nutrients and if they’re depleted before you even get started, you may be missing out on potential gains. If you’re looking to boost your energy at the gym, try these 7 pre workout snacks.
The Best Pre Workout Snacks for Energy
When it comes to what to eat before the gym, you have to choose what feels best for you. Some people can manage a larger meal before a workout, while others don’t like the feeling of a full stomach during burpees. The one nutrient you’ll want to be cautious with in your pre workout snacks is fat. Having a little peanut butter in your shake isn’t a big deal, but a high-fat preworkout snack will be slow to digest and may make you feel nauseous. Focus on eating carbohydrates and a little protein about an hour before the gym, and kiss tired training sessions goodbye!
On-the-Go Preworkout Snacks
Are you always rushing to the gym? These pre workout snacks are for you!
It’s tried and true for a reason. Fruit is an easy, on-the-go preworkout snack that’s affordable and effective. Some of our favorite fruits to eat before the gym include apples, grapes and oranges. But if you don’t have a lot of fresh fruit on hand, you can also go for fruit leather. Fruit is quick-digesting and gives your muscles much needed glucose to perform their best.
Protein Shake
Do you save protein for after your workout to maximize protein synthesis? You aren’t alone! For many years, the belief that the anabolic window is limited to the thirty minutes following your workout held true in the fitness community. However, recent research shows that protein timing may not be so stringent. If a protein shake is the easiest way to get the nutrition your muscles need to maximize your workout, drink on up.
Energy Bar
Protein and energy bars are great preworkout snacks when you are short on time. Not sure what the difference is between a protein and energy bar? Let us explain. A lot of energy bars are positioned as “protein” bars to sell more product, but carbohydrates and fats make up the majority of the calories or “energy” in the bar. The easy way to tell whether you’re eating a protein bar or an energy bar is to look at the nutrition label. Look at how many calories are in the bar and do the math! If the majority of the calories are coming from fats and carbs, you’re having an energy bar. If they’re coming from protein, you’re having a protein bar. Either are great pre workout snack options!
Prepped Pre Workout Snack Ideas
If you prepare your meals each week, are you taking time to prep your preworkout snacks? If not, you could be missing out on some solid training gains. Here are four ideas for pre workout snacks you can make at home.
Overnight Oats
Overnight oats are one of the easiest meals to prep and one of the best pre-workout snacks you can have. If you want a heavier meal for a big lifting day, add some protein powder and peanut butter to your oats. Don’t like working out on a full stomach? Stick with oats and some berries. Here are two of our favorite overnight oats recipes to add to your prep.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Oats
1/2 C old fashioned oats
1 – 2 scoops chocolate protein powder of choice
1 tbsp PB2
1 C milk of choice
1/2 sliced banana
Cinnamon to taste
Pink Himalayan salt to taste
Combine oats, protein powder, PB2, salt and cinnamon in a mason jar or container and mix with a fork. Pour milk over dry mixture and combine thoroughly. Slice bananas and top. Place your oats in the fridge overnight and voila! The perfect pre workout snack is ready for you in the morning.
Blueberry Overnight Oats
1/2 C old fashioned oats
Milk of choice (if you like chunkier oats, use less milk)
Pink Himalayan salt to taste
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 C blueberries
Combine oats, salt and milk and mix thoroughly. Add maple syrup and blueberries. Place in the fridge overnight and just like before, you have a perfect preworkout snack (just on the lighter side) for the morning.
Egg Bites
Have you ever tried the Starbucks egg bites? If not, you’re missing out! They’re delicious and are a nice bite of protein for energy before and after a workout. Here’s a budget and health friendly recipe to try making at home. Keep these egg bites in a sealed container for up to 4 days in the fridge and you’ve got a pre workout snack to last you multiple training sessions.
English Muffin
Carbohydrates are your body’s best friend before a workout. A quick and easy preworkout snack you can throw together before a training session is a toasted english muffin with your nut butter of choice. Sprinkle some pink Himalayan salt on top for additional electrolytes to power through your sweat sesh.
Red Leaf Pre Workout Drink
Pre workout nutrition is important, but not everyone likes the feeling of eating before the gym. If that’s you, we’ve got you covered. Having anything in your system is better than nothing, and that’s where our Red Leaf pre-workout drink comes into play. Mix together 2 scoops of Red Leaf Collagen Peptides for some pre-workout protein with one scoop of Red Leaf Pre-Workout. Add pink Himalayan salt for additional electrolytes and shake up with water. Happy lifting!
Need more ideas for pre workout snacks? Check out these pre and post workout recipes. What you eat (or don’t eat) before the gym is totally up to you! Try to choose healthy options that are easy on digestion, can be utilized by your muscles quickly and make you feel your very best.